My Backpack

Emmy’s Backpack 

This summer I read Finding Someplace by Denise Lewis Patrick. In one of the final chapters of the book, Reesie, the main character was forced to leave her home urgently, due to Hurricane Katrina. She thought that it was important to bring her family’s important papers in case she got separated from her family. She packed her bag. She brought her cell phone, food, and important papers. But while she was in the Superdome in New Orleans, someone took her cell phone, her family’s important papers, and other items. However overall in the short time she had I think she made pretty good decisions.

I put myself in Reesie’s shoes, and I thought about what I would bring if I needed to survive by myself. Firstly, I would bring my phone, and a charger. I would bring this  because I would want to stay in contact with the outside world. I would also bring my favorite snack Goldfish and Graham crackers so I could eat some food. I would also bring my parent’s wallets, so I would have money if I run out of food. The most important thing I would do is my water bottle so I could refill it.  Lastly, I would bring my family’s important papers in case I get separated from my family and town and I would bring a first aid kit in case I got hurt. Everyone in this book during the hurricane probably had such a hard time, even though I talked about packing my bag I really hope that I will not ever have to pack a bag for a hurricane!



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