Movement Dance

Movement Dance


This past month in movement class me and my two friends made a dance to
Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift. This was really fun because it felt like there was a plot to the dance. The plot of this dance was about a person who got murdered, and the witness trying to figure out who did it. When the witnesses found out who the murder it ended in a chase and fight scene. 

One other thing that made this dance really enjoyable was how my group really worked together. Sometimes people would want something very different then the others, we had to meet in the middle and compromise. This also made our dance very versatile in genres. The music really helped with this, because it would slow down and speed up. 

Lastly, I loved the eeriness of the dance. This dance included a rewind, people coming back from the dead, and a fight scene. With slow and fast moves, and very stiff moves, make the audience shiver. Thank you so much to my wonderful group mates (and Taylor Swift!). 



  1. Emmy… you are a born creative. This dance was suspenseful and dramatic and drew the audience in. Your style of moving and dancing is authentic and expressive. When you dance, the audience notices you because you make it all believable.

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